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Quality, not quantity

Using Google to its fullest!

The Biggest Mistake!

First and foremost I always link all Google tools necessary, for tracking! IF YOU CANNOT TRACK HOW CAN YOU PROVE WHAT YOU ARE DOING IS WORKING OR NOT?!

A Quick Case Study/Lesson!

  • This shows the previous two months, before I managed the account.

  • Overall a lot is not going on here!

  • Goal: Develope more leads/quote forms for client!


  1. Link Google: Analytics, Tags, and console

  2. I notice the previous website was not a converting website/landing pages. While updating their previous website one without disrupting business.

  3. I had to create


Quality, not quantity

We have made quality our habit. It’s not something that we just strive for – we live by this principle every day.


Quality, not quantity

We have made quality our habit. It’s not something that we just strive for – we live by this principle every day.